Please register via the following link to have your seat in this distinguished side event:
UN 2023 Water Conference
Side Event of Republic of Türkiye Ministry of
Agriculture and Forestry
Towards Achievement of Water Action Agenda: Reaching
Beyond the Borders
Time & Venue: 23rd March 2023, 17:00-18:15, UN Headquarters, ECOSOC, New
York, United States
Concept Note on Side Event:
Republic of
Türkiye recognizes that sustainable development can only be achieved if strong
and close cooperation between all stakeholders in the field of water and beyond
is ensured at international level. Hence, a globally agreed and practicable
“Water Action Agenda” will be a unique opportunity to accelerate the action for
achieving SDG 6 targets and also a major contributor to 2030 Sustainable
Development Agenda.
As one of the top
donors of humanitarian aid in proportion to national income, Türkiye pledges to
continue providing technical and capacity assistance, sharing her experiences
and best practices, supporting the development of water infrastructure within
the availability of resources beyond her borders and enhancing international
collaboration to access safe, clean and affordable drinking water for all by
2030. Türkiye will contribute to achievement of SDG 6 targets by increasing the
proportion of population using safely managed drinking water services and
sanitation through enhanced international cooperation and collaboration in the
field of water towards 2030.
On the other hand, in her
territory, Türkiye builds its water and wastewater policies on current and future water needs in line with population
increase, rapid industrialization and urbanization, global and regional
developments, as well as the ongoing process of accession to the European Union
(EU). In this regard, the international cooperation between Türkiye and the EU
is one of the good examples in achieving SGD 6.
Türkiye takes
humanitarian responsibility and provides financial and technical assistance in
the water sector beyond her borders with the ultimate aim of achieving the SDGs
by 2030 leaving no one behind. To reach
this end, pressures of climate change necessitate the efficient use of water
and dissemination of environmentally friendly and water efficient technologies.
activities constitute unique and inspiring experiences of cooperation in the
field of water beyond the national borders for other countries and
international organizations. Türkiye has made an incontrovertible contribution
to achieving not only SDG 6 targets but also other SDGs especially SDG 1, SDG
2, SDG 3, SDG 5, SDG 10 and SDG 13 by improving the climate change adaptation
capacity and resilience, reducing the possible disaster risks, reducing poverty
and hunger and ensuring access to clean water and sanitation.
In Turkiye, many
well established universities and research institutions carry out projects and
teaching activities to create knowledge and build capacity for mitigation and
adaptation to climate change towards achieving SDGs. In this regard, science-policy
interaction and dialogue between stakeholders to enhance innovative scientific research
and policy implementation is of significant importance to achieve Water Action
Agenda. The international collaborations provide useful insights into the
latest research developments and innovative methodologies for solving water
related issues. As water is central to almost all sectors including energy,
industry, agriculture, household, urban and ecosystem services, an integrated
research approach on water management would bring communities closer to the
SDG17 Partnership for the Goals.
the objective to meet the growing requirements of UN Member States and the
international community for a wider range of timely and policy-relevant
information in various fields of water resources developments and management.
Its key product, the United Nations World Water Development Report (WWDR),
provides reliable information on the global situation with regard to quantity
and quality of water and its uses. The annual Report, which is the flagship
publication of UN-Water, also analyses the likely future changes of water
availability and use in relation to global drivers to provide early warning to
avoid potential worsening of water related challenges.
2023 edition of
the WWDR is particularly critical as its theme ‘Partnerships and Cooperation
for Water’ coincides with the focus of interactive dialogue number IV of the UN
2023 Water Conference. For this reason, the findings of the Report can feed the
discussions around the interactive dialogue IV. The wide coverage provided
within WWDR2023 can also benefit the coverage of other interactive dialogues.
In this regard,
Türkiye with the participation of UNESCO-WWAP and partnership of competent
Turkish institutions are willing to organize a side event titled “Towards
Achievement of Water Action Agenda: Reaching Beyond the Borders” to provide a
platform to discuss which efforts are needed beyond the national borders to
accelerate the achievement of SDG 6 targets globally with the participation of
distinguished experts/professionals/academicians. In the side event, Türkiye
will also share her experiences on and contributions to achievement of the SDG
6 and other targets not only nationally but also beyond her borders. UNESCO
WWAP will contribute to the discussion by drawing on the findings of UN
WWDR2023 and providing best case examples on Partnerships and Cooperation from
different regions of the world. UNESCO
WWAP will also put emphasis on the importance of gender related matters in
water resources management [and particularly its Call for Action Initiative].
In the session;
DG of State Hydraulic Works (DSİ) (Mr. Mehmet Akif BALTA) will share
Türkiye’s projects and activities to alleviate urgent and severe risks arising
from poor water infrastructure in the countries in highest need especially in Africa and the
assistance provided to the least developed countries to achieve the SDGs.
Representative of UNESCO WWAP will highlight the significance of
partnerships and cooperation to accelerate change towards 2030 and will expand
on the need to accelerate the achievement of gender equality in the water
domain and strengthen reporting on sex-disaggregated data.
DG of Water Management (SYGM) (Mrs. Afire SEVER) will provide a
comprehensive insight into Türkiye’s climate change adaptation measures with a
specific focus on the effective and efficient use of water across sectors.
President of Turkish Water Institute (SUEN) (Prof. Dr. Bülent İNANÇ) will
share Türkiye’s vision of and experiences in the field of water cooperation
beyond borders and including transboundary water cooperation.
Director of Ankara University Water Management Institute, together with
the international project partner R2WATER Research and Consultancy from the
Netherlands, will briefly cover significance of science policy interaction and
the need to support dialogue between stakeholders to enhance innovative
scientific research and policy implementation
towards achieving Water Action
Agenda by focusing on the cross-border climate impacts on water and food
systems such as the CREATE project funded by H2020 ERA-NET FOSC Program.
A substance package will be
offered to the participants of the side event containing the PowerPoint
presentations and a trailer film on Türkiye’s water resources management
activities and promotional materials. Hope to see you in New York!
Dam Constructed by Republic of Türkiye on AmbouliRiver in Djibouti
For more info onAmbouli Friendship Dam in Djibouti: